Tuesday, 15 September 2015

The impact of google

1) Why has Google led to the decline of the newspaper industry?
Crtics of google have argued how much the advertising money has disappeared from the newspaper business over the past decade or so, which is $40 billion, according to the Newspaper association of Amercia. Also, the newspapers would have been estimated of $60 billion by now, if the growth rate that the industry saw during the 1990s had continued through the past decade. 

2) Do you personally think Google is to blame for newspapers closing and journalists losing their jobs? Why?
In my opinion, i think that Google is to blame for newspapers losing their jobs. This is due to the fact, that it has now become the norm to look information up online instead of doing it the old-fashioned way. You would rather go onto the internet which is accessible anywhere e.g your phone, then go of out of your way to receive, collect or buy a newspaper and so this leads to the decline in newspapers and journalists losing their jobs, unfortunately. 

3) Read the comments below the article. Pick one comment you agree with and one you disagree with and justify your opinions in detail.
Agree - I agree with this comment as I do personally believe that Google is a saviour of journalism than a killer. This is because it has sold us a billion of good things such as information, news, music, movies and so on. Also, talented people, blogs, stories etc have all been discovered by Google, which journalists can then use to help write their stories.

'The irony is that Google is probably more of a savior than a killer of journalism and editorial content. How many thousands of blogs, fan sites, writers, startup outlets, etc., have been discovered by Google’s search algorithms? How many talented artists and great stories have found a launching pad on YouTube and other Google outlets? How much content has been spread into new languages due to Google translate?'

Disagree - I disagree with this comment as the content produced on Google should not cost. Some of us cant even afford simple and basic necessities so what makes you think we can afford the content online? We need general and basic information in order to be caught up in society and know what going on around the world.
'I think the Internet is incredibly poorly designed. Rather than being free, everything on it should cost something in order to compensate creators.'

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