Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Globalisation and the media: wider issues

1) Why was Google Glass controversial?
Google Glass was controversial as it impending arrival of the new gadget as sparked some outrage and debate. There is a sense of alienation flowing from the arrival of the product that it might just dehumanise us. i.e desensitise us and also make us less social in terms of connecting with people in real life for instance. Its is also very pricey within its thousand pound ranges and it is rumoured that more competition is on its way from Microsoft and apple, which will bring the price down.

2) What are the positive elements to Globalisation that the article highlights?
Positives would be that people are more enriched by globalisation and are also better off in term so of being more accessible when it comes to one another. it can help to inform people better and benefit the democratic process particularly. Technological determinism is ought to be one major advantage of the release of the product, that fact that we will be hands free and allowed to do things without the actual need of software reliance. Moreover another term best for this would be the idea of 'technological convergence': the trend of technologies to merge into new technologies that bring together a range of media.

3) What are potential negatives to Globalisation?
However this said can only occur from a concentration of large MNC's, and so this means that is limited choice for people if we thinking about it. Looking particularly at the fact that only a small amount of large media conglomerates actually rule and decide what we consume, limits us as recipients of the media so those that dominate the market can easily take over us.

4) What is a techno-panic? How does it link to moral panics?
'By extension, a techno-panic is therefore a moral panic that centres onfears regarding specific contemporary technology or technological activity.'

5) What is your opinion on the privacy debate and major corporations being able to access large quantities of personal data?
I don't agree with this as I think that MNC's already have so much media power and control over us that for us as consumers to be giving into the temptation of such a new gadget would just be wrong. Its a violation of our privacy and its a way of slyly finding out information that we all would rather chose to keep quite private.

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